RWA Signs Open Letter Opposing National Emergency Library

April 29, 2020
Alyssa Day, RWA President

Romance Writers of America has signed the Authors Guild-sponsored open letter to the Internet Archive calling for the immediate shut down of the National Emergency Library. 

As authors struggle with the effects of a global pandemic, the Internet Archive’s National Emergency Library, which provides free and unrestricted access to digital copies of in-copyright books, does even further harm. The National Emergency Library is in direct opposition to RWA’s belief that authors have the right to reasonable remuneration and preservation of authorial and intellectual property rights.  

RWA has previously joined with other writers’ organizations to oppose the Internet Archive’s practice of Controlled Digital Lending. 

We encourage our members to learn more about this issue at the links below. To read the open letter from the Authors Guild and add your signature, visit:

Further Reading: 
Publishers Weekly: Internet Archive Responds to Senator’s Concern Over National Emergency Library

Authors Guild: Internet Archive’s National Emergency Library Harms Authors

Association of American Publishers: Comment from AAP President and CEO Maria Pallante on the Internet Archive’s “National Emergency Library”

Internet Archive: Announcing a National Emergency Library to Provide Digitized Books to Students and the Public