Committee Members

Standing Committees

These committees shall carry out charges approved by the Board but shall not have or exercise the authority of the Board in the management of RWA.

  • Academic Grant Committee: Natalie Tindall, Chair
  • Audit & Finance Committee: Brooke Wills, Treasurer
  • Awards Ceremony Committee: no committee for 2022-23
  • Conference Workshop Committee: A.M. Roark, Chair; Jacki Renée, Board Liaison
  • Contest Committee: Jason Wrench, Chair; Anita Learned and Jacki Renée, Board Liaisons
  • Ethics Committee
  • Leadership Development Committee: Mary Karlik, Board Liaison
  • Membership Outreach Committee: Athena Hernandez, Chair; Ursula Renee, Board Liaison
  • RWA University Committee: Tinia Montford, Chair; Jacki Renée and Ursula Renee, Board Liaisons
  • RWR Content Committee: Kathleen Watson, Chair; Louisa Cornell and Jacki Renée, Board Liaisons
  • Scholarship Review Panel
  • Unpublished Member Benefits Committee: Katherine E. Smits, Chair; Louisa Cornell and Jacki Renée, Board Liaisons

Advisory Committees

These committees are made up of individuals who possess specific knowledge and skills on a particular subject and will, at the Board’s request, make recommendations on a particular topic or program. These committees do not have Board authority and cannot make policy for the organization, but the Board can assign tasks to these committees to complete, in the manner and time frame set out by the Board. Each advisory committee will have an assigned Board Liaison.

  • Diversity Advisory Committee: PJ McGhee, Chair; Clair Brett, President
  • PAN Advisory Committee: Nancy C. Weeks, Chair
  • PRO Advisory Committee: Judith Bastin, PRO Advisor
  • Policy Advisory Committee: Donna B. Comeaux, Chair; Mary Karlik, Board Liaison

Ad Hoc Committee

Ad hoc committees are temporary committees or task forces created for discussion of RWA issues that do not fall under the scope of RWA's standing committees.

  • Librarian and Bookseller Outreach Ad Hoc: Olivia Gaines, Chair; Brooke Wills, Board Liaison
  • Transition Task Force: Siera London, Chair; Clair Brett, President