Working with Booksellers and Librarians

Below are some resources for interacting with booksellers and librarians as an author.


Join us for Indie Author Weekend! January 20-21, 2024
Posted on 12/6/2023
Unlock the door to the world of self-publishing and set yourself up for success in 2024!

Libraries Seeking Foreign Editions
Posted on 11/19/2018
List of libraries seeking donations of foreign edition romance novels.

Working with Librarians: A Guide for Romance Authors
Posted on 2/11/2019
On July 22, 2015, at the Romance Writers of America's Librarians Day in New York City, a panel was featured on how romance writers can work with librarians. From the many questions and comments from the writers in the audience, it became obvious th

Library Events: Beyond Book Signings
Posted on 2/11/2019
Speaking in libraries is a fun way to interact with readers and build a fan base. It can also be a revenue stream...