Other RWA Awards

RWA honors individuals for their continual volunteer services to RWA and the romance genre through Service Awards and the Emma Merritt Award for continued service.

Awards are given annually to one special bookseller, librarian, and industry professional who demonstrate notable support of romance authors and the romance genre. These special honorees' love of the romance genre helps promote the continued success of the romance-fiction market.

Bookseller of the Year

Award given to one special romance bookseller

Librarian of the Year

Award given to a special librarian

Industry Award

Award given to an industry professional

Veritas Award

Award for a positive work on the romance genre

Emma Merritt Service Award

Award presented for a body of volunteer work

Service Awards

Award presented for volunteer work

PRO Mentor of the Year

Award for PRO mentor

Centennial Award

Award for 100th romantic novel

Academic Grant

Grant to support academic research on romance