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Paper to Polished: Editing for Success

Paper to Polished: Editing for Success is a five-month immersive program that matches Guide pairs with a Partner Circle of unpublished Participants, helping them realize the next goal in their publishing journey: self-editing their first-draft manuscript. With a combination of written, audio, and visual materials and weekly discussion, critique sessions, writing sprints and special workshops, this program is an extraordinary value!

Please see the calendar for important Paper to Polished: Editing for Success dates.

Please read all the information provided before you enroll. If you have questions about the program, please email [email protected] with your questions prior to enrolling.


For more information, please CLICK HERE to watch the Paper to Polished webinar.

Who Can Participate?

Paper to Polished: Editing for Success program is open to people who meet the following criteria:

  • Has completed a first-draft manuscript of a romance novel or novella for use in the program. 
  • Unpublished in novel- or novella-length romance fiction in a commercial market.
  • Not under contract or have an active pre-sale.
  • Prepared to meet the participation requirements, writing commitment, and assignment due dates for the program.
  • Agree to abide by the RWA Code of Ethics.

Can Non-members Participate?

Yes. Non-members can participate provided that they meet the criteria listed above. Non-member Participants agree to follow RWA's Code of Ethics for the duration of the program.

Non-members, we invite you to join RWA first, then register as a member at the lower rate once you receive an email that your membership is confirmed. RWA membership information may be found here. This is an opportunity to both save money and receive the benefits of being a RWA member.

How Are Participants Chosen?

Participants are chosen on a first-come, first-served basis, who meet the eligibility criteria. The number of Participants is contingent on the number of Guides available.

A wait-list will be established in case of additional availability during the first two weeks of the program.

What’s Expected of the Participants?

Participants should be prepared to commit to the entire five-month program.

  • Participants need to meet the entry requirements for the program, including having a completed first draft of a manuscript for a romance novel. A first draft is considered complete when it meets most or all of the following criteria:
    • Your draft meets the conventions of your genre.
    • Your draft meets the average word count length for your genre.
    • You’ve answered most of the story questions raised in the story’s premise.
    • Your story contains a beginning, middle, and end and includes an inciting incident, rising action, a climax, and a resolution.
    • Your protagonists have completed their external and internal arcs.
    • The Happy Ever After (HEA) or Happy For Now (HFN) has been achieved.
    • You’ve written those magical words “The End.”
  • Meet minimum attendance requirements (75%, or at least three live, online Partner Circle meetings per month) and complete assignments as outlined in the syllabus in order to remain in the program.
  • Commit to devoting approximately 8 hours or more per week to the program, including:
    • completing self-study assignments in preparation for Partner Circle meetings;
    • participating in weekly Partner Circle meetings;
    • meeting one-on-one with their Guides at least four times during the program,
    • writing their manuscript; and
    • critiquing peers’ work in progress.
  • Learn from experts in the romance universe via articles, audio recordings, live events, and exclusive videos developed for this program.
  • Engage weekly in six to eight person Partner Circles led by two published author Guides. This writing group will stick together throughout the program, creating that inner circle of allies and writing partners that could last long after the program ends.
  • Where applicable, give and receive valuable critiques that enhance Participant’s knowledge and apply writing techniques to meet reader’s expectations. All Participants are required to receive critiques on their manuscripts and are required to critique the work of other Participants, in the relevant sections of the course.
  • A Participant Liaison keeps in touch with Participants and helps them work through any challenges to ensure they get the most possible from the program. Participants will communicate issues or concerns to their Guide or Participant Liaison immediately.
  • At the end of each learning unit, Participants complete an evaluation, to provide immediate feedback that facilitates continuous improvement in the program.

By participating in the Paper to Polished: Editing for Success program (“Program”), you agree to release, waive, and discharge the Romance Writers of America (“RWA”), including its directors, employees, and agents, from liability from any and all claims relating to your participation in the Program, including misappropriation or misuse of any intellectual property or breached expectations of confidentiality regarding your submitted works.

Participant Enrollment

Please see the calendar for important Paper to Polished: Editing for Success program dates.


  • Participant enrollment may not be automatically accepted if the Participant does not meet the entry criteria by having a completed first draft of a manuscript.
  • Participants understand that they will not be refunded if they enroll with an incomplete manuscript, and that they will only get the full benefit of this program if they already have a completed story to edit.
  • Participation in this program does not guarantee acceptance into RWA’s RAMP program.
  • Participation in this program does not guarantee that this manuscript will be ready for publication on completion of the self-editing phase, or that it will be accepted by publishers or agents. Participants understand that further edits will be required after the self-editing phase.


Scholarship applications open October 20, 2023, and close November 13, 2023.

  • Tuition scholarships for the Paper to Polished: Editing for Success Program are offered based on funds available as determined by the RWA Board of Directors.
  • Scholarships are intended for individuals with low income.
  • Scholarship applicants must meet all Paper to Polished: Editing for Success Program criteria as well as attest to financial need.
  • Scholarship applicants do not need to be RWA members.
  • Scholarship applicants must complete the Scholarship Application Form.
  • Scholarship applicants will be selected by the RWA Board, RWA staff, and Unpublished Member Benefits Committee members jointly.
  • Scholarship recipients are expected to complete the entire Paper to Polished: Editing for Success Program.


Thank you for your interest in being a Paper to Polished: Editing for Success. Your generosity will stand as an example to every Participant of how established writers give back to the romance community. Your contribution is greatly appreciated!

What Is Paper to Polished: Editing for Success

Paper to Polished: Editing for Success is a five-month immersive program that matches Guide pairs with a Partner Circle of unpublished Participants, helping them realize the next goal in their publishing journey: self-editing their first-draft manuscript.

Who Can Be a Guide?

Guides must be RWA members in good standing who meet the following criteria:

  • Published at least one PAN-eligible novel or novella. Two to three is preferable but not required.
  • RWA Associate Members who are editors but not authors are also eligible to be Guides for this program.
  • Prepared to commit to completing the entire five-month course with an estimated time commitment of eight hours required each week.
  • Prepared to participate in Guide and Participant on-boarding.
  • Prepared to participate in program events and workshops.
  • Have a reliable internet connection, previous experience as a facilitator, trainer or educator.
  • Reasonable computer fluency.

What Do Guides Get Out of It?

Guides will receive a $450 stipend for serving on Paper to Polished: Editing for Success.

How Are Guides Chosen?

Guides are selected by the Unpublished Members Benefits Committee, Board Member, and RWA staff based on criteria above, the Guide application, and interview. Preference will be given to Guides who have editing experience.

What’s Expected of the Guides?

  • Must commit to completing at least one course session (eight to eleven weeks), with a minimum time commitment of 6-8 hours each week.
  • Attend all Guide on-boarding events.
  • Prepare for each week by reviewing the lesson materials and the Participant assignments, and keeping the Circle focused on the proprietary content provided and approved by Pen to Paper: Guide to Romance Writing staff.
  • Conduct online, 60 to 90-minute live meetings for partner circles weekly.
  • Use the Syllabus and Lesson materials to lead Participants through weekly skill-set development.
  • Guide Participants through weekly skill-set development activities (coaching assistance provided).
  • Encourage progress and participation in the Partner Circles, reaching out to Participants when they miss meetings or fall behind on assignments.
  • Lead activities to apply concepts learned in self-study assignments to the writer’s own work.
  • Guide the critiquing process based on the skills developed in that Lesson.
  • Encourage and provide positive reinforcement to Participants.
  • Facilitate two one-on-one discussion sessions on work progress during the course and one entrance and exit session. In total, the Guide will facilitate 5 one-hour individual discussions with each of their four assigned Participants per program.
  • Monitor progress of their Participants and address any issues.
  • Communicate regularly with partner Guides and with the Guide Liaison.
  • Direct any questions or issues to the Guide Liaison.
  • Notify the Guide Liaison and Participant Liaison promptly of any problems, issues, or lack of participation so the Liaisons can assist with resolution.
  • Participate in program events and workshops.
  • Use RWA Zoom accounts for meetings; record Partner Circle meetings through Zoom.
  • Offer guidance through board and Zoom meetings to answer questions.
  • Moderate Circle content for issues or concerns with posted content.

Please refer to the calendar for important Pen to Paper program dates.

Please read all the information provided before you apply to be a Guide! Guide applications close September 16, 2023.

Courses and Lessons

Paper to Polished: Editing for Success is divided into a brief on-boarding phase and monthly lessons which begin with self-study, continue with group discussion, and include participant critiques of each other’s work. Lessons provided:

  • Unit 1: Onboarding/Introduction to Self-Editing
  • Unit 2: Book Mapping
  • Unit 3: Developmental Editing: Revisions, Scene by Scene and Step by Step
  • Unit 4: Copy Editing/Line Editing, including using software and other resources
  • Unit 5: Get Feedback: Finding beta readers, understanding the different types of editors and how to engage them, and handling feedback
  • Unit 6: Final Polish
  • Unit 7: Next Steps: Overview of both the traditional and self-publishing processes

Important Program Dates

Please be aware of these Paper to Polished: Editing for Success program dates.

  • September 1, 2023: Guide applications open
  • September 16, 2023: Guide applications close
  • October 20, 2023:
    • Participant enrollment opens (until full)
    • Scholarship applications open
  • September 10, 2023: Participant informational webinar
  • September 16, 2023: Guide applications close
  • October 21, 2023: Participant Q&A webinar
  • October 30, 2023: Early bird tuition rate cutoff
  • November 13, 2023: Scholarship applications close
  • November 20, 2023: Participant enrollment closes
  • December 16, 2023: Optional tech information session
  • January 1, 2024: Guide on-boarding session (only one required)
  • January 6, 2024: Participant on-boarding session (only one required)
  • January 14, 2024: Program launch

Partner Circles

Most writers wish for some combination of writing partners, critique circles, and accountability opportunities. The Partner Circles offer that, and more.

Each Partner Circle consists of no more than eight program Participants plus two published authors to act as Guides. In your own time, you’ll go through your assignments (reading articles and watching videos plus editing pages on your novel each week) and then you’ll get together with your Partner Circle to discuss your work.

Partner Circles will also critique each other’s work. You’ll get help on how to give and receive valuable criticism and how to treat your Partners’ works with compassion and respect—as they’ll treat your work. Partner Circles offer the potential for relationships that last beyond the five months of Paper to Polished: Editing for Success, and possibly offer you lifelong friendships with authors at the same stage you’re at.

Paper to Polished: Editing for Success is an immersive, five-month program similar to programs created for Master of Fine Arts programs. It features exclusive content, compensated Guides, and exceptional personal attention.


Paper to Polished: Editing for Success is a five-month immersive program that matches Guide pairs with a Partner Circle of unpublished Participants, helping them realize the next goal in their publishing journey: self-editing their first-draft manuscript. With a combination of written, audio, and visual materials and weekly discussion, critique sessions, writing sprints and special workshops, this program is an extraordinary value!

    Early Bird Fee  Regular Fee
RWA Members   $450  $475
Non-members  $570  $595

Nonmembers, we invite you to join RWA first, then register as a member at the lower rate once you receive an email that your membership is confirmed. RWA membership information may be found here. This is an opportunity to both save money and receive the benefits of being a RWA member. Note: If you want to take advantage of the Early Bird rate, please be aware that it takes one business day to process new memberships / reinstatements. Please take this time into account if you're joining/reinstating and registering for Paper to Polished: Editing for Success. 

Refunds will be granted only within the first seven (7) days of the program, minus a cancellation fee of $100.

Refunds will be processed for registrants who provide documentation to prove they were unable to attend the Paper to Published: Editing for Success program due to circumstances beyond their control, such as serious illness or death of registrant or the registrant’s immediate family member.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is Paper to Polished: Editing for Success?

Paper to Polished: Editing for Success is a five-month immersive program that matches Guide pairs with a Partner Circle of unpublished Participants, helping them realize the next goal in their publishing journey: self-editing their first-draft manuscript.

The Participants work together in small groups called Partner Circles with experienced author Guides to edit and revise the first draft of their romance novel or novella to satisfy that next step in the publishing process.

Participants will learn through self-study assignments that include books, articles, and exclusive audios and videos by experts, weekly group discussions in Partner Circles, writing assignments, and critiquing.

They have the opportunity to network with other Participants and Guides outside their Partner Circle through and Zoom Meetings.

2. How will the program work?

This program uses a blended learning approach. The blend for Paper to Polished: Editing for Success  is to use a combination of:

  • Workshops delivered through on-demand learning materials including exclusive videos, articles, books, online assignments and Q/A, and writer’s tools such as checklists to help their Participants succeed.
  • Discussions to answer questions and explore application of key concepts.
  • Live virtual sessions with small groups, called Writing Partner Circles, to help apply learnings to the Participant’s manuscript, collaborate on writing, and build a community of support for Participants.
  • Reference materials including RWA Conference videos and podcasts, external videos, websites, and podcasts, craft books, and articles for deeper study on workshop and related topics.

3. When will the program run?

Paper to Polished: Editing for Success will run annually. The 2023–2024 program will begin with on-boarding in January 2024 and will end May 31, 2024. (See Program Dates for details.) 
4. Can non-members participate?

Yes. Non-members can participate, provided that they meet the criteria listed for Participants. Please see the note in the Investment section above that explains the advantages of joining RWA before enrolling in the program.

Non-members, we invite you to join RWA first, then register as a member at the lower rate once you receive an email that your membership is confirmed. RWA membership information may be found here. This is an opportunity to both save money and receive the benefits of being a RWA member.

5. May I join RWA and then receive the discounted rate for the program?

Yes, you may join RWA, and then enroll in the program at the member rates.

6. How are Participants enrolled?

Participants are enrolled on a first-come, first-served basis, who meet the eligibility criteria and have a completed first-draft manuscript of their novel or novella, with the number of Participants contingent on the number of Guides available.

A wait-list will be established in case of additional availability during the first two weeks of the program.

7. Are scholarships available?

Some scholarships will be available. For more information and an application, visit the Scholarships page.

8. What do Participants get out of it?

The Paper to Polished: Editing for Success program will guide Participants through the confusing maze of books and courses that exist for writers and give them skills they can use to edit not only their first novel, but future books as well including:

  • Access to top-notch study materials and the chance to learn the craft from published romance writers.
  • The opportunity to create mutual support networks with published and unpublished romance writers.
  • Participants who successfully complete the program will receive a Certificate of Completion upon graduation.

9. Is there a refund policy?

Refunds will be processed for registrants who provide documentation to prove they were unable to attend the Paper to Polished: Editing for Success program due to circumstances beyond their control, such as serious illness or death of the registrant or the registrant’s immediate family member.

Refunds will be granted only if requested within the first seven (7) days of the program, minus a cancellation fee of $100.

10. When does the enrollment/application period open?

The 2023 enrollment period for Participants opens October 20, 2023, and closes November 20, 2023 (or when the program is full).
The 2023 application period for Guides opens September 1, 2023, and closes September 16, 2023.

Please thoroughly read all the information provided to be sure the Paper to Polished: Editing for Success Program is right for you. If you have further questions, please email [email protected] and we will respond as soon as possible!