How to Make the Most of Your Writing Time
By Leslie J.Wyatt Posted 12/16/2024
Assuming you’ve been able to carve out a dedicated writing time from your allotted twenty-four hours and figured out where you’ll do that writing, congratulations! Those crucial pieces of the overall picture are essential to writing success. With your when and your where now in place, it’s time to address some aspects of how to make the most of that precious window of creativity.
Deep POV: The Importance of Perception in World Building
By Romy Summer Posted 6/20/2024
About a million years ago, when I was still bright-eyed and naïve and killing time until I could get into film school, I did a semester of philosophy at university. I had no clue what philosophy was really about or what kinds of crazy ideas I was opening myself up to – but it turned out to be mind-blowing for eighteen-year-old me. Sadly, after all these years, there’s only one thing I still remember from that course: Renaissance philosopher René Descartes’ theory of perception. He’s best known for originating the famous saying, “Cogito, ergo sum” (I think, therefore I am), but, for me, the bit that has stuck with me through the years is how he reached that famous conclusion.
Writing In No Time
By Kris Bock Posted 11/26/2024
So many things demand our time—job, spouse, children, volunteer work, housework. It’s tempting to say, I’ll write during vacation, or when the kids are back in school, or when the kids leave home, or when I retire ….
Yet if you want to be a writer, you must find time to write.
National Novel Writing Month: The Most Fun You’ll Ever Have Writing . . . Really
By Mike L. Downey Posted 10/30/2024
Stephen King wrote that writing long fiction is “. . . a difficult, lonely job; it’s like crossing the Atlantic in a bathtub.” Mr. King obviously never did National Novel Writing Month (NANOWRIMO). Now this is not a dig at Mr. King since I’m obviously no Stephen King, but then who is? This is about you writing a novel in a month and having the most fun writing you’ve ever had.
Next Steps After NaNoWriMo (Even if You Don’t Get To 50,000 Words)
By Ann Kellett Posted 10/30/2024
I’m not too proud to admit it: after three NaNoWriMo experiences, I have yet to reach the 50,000-word goal.
Along the way, though, I have learned to flip that statement into a positive: for three years in a row, I have successfully benefited from NaNoWriMo in many ways, but the word count is not one of them.
In fact, I believe the word count is not the only—or even the main—thing that counts in NaNoWriMo. Here are five take-aways to keep the momentum going for those of us who might not reach the (arbitrary) goal.
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