Published Authors Network (PAN)

Why Join PAN?

The purpose of the Published Authors Network (PAN) is to establish within the RWA framework a network of communication and support to effectively promote and protect the interests of published romance authors; to open channels of communication between those romance authors and other publishing industry professionals; and to encourage professionalism on all levels and in all relationships within the publishing industry.

Membership in the PAN Community of Practice is available only for active RWA members.

Who Qualifies for PAN?

Any current General or Honorary member who has published a Romance Novel or Novella is eligible to join the PAN community.

Provisional PAN Status
Any RWA General or Honorary member who has (1) contracted for the publication of an Eligible Novel* or Eligible Novella** for an advance of at least $1,000, but said work is not yet commercially available ("Option One"); or (2) published an Eligible Novel* or Eligible Novella**, but not yet earned $1,000 ("Option Two") shall be eligible for provisional membership in PAN, provided however that works offered through Predatory Publishing companies shall not qualify.

General PAN Status
Any RWA General or Honorary member in good standing who has earned at least $1,000 on a single published Eligible Novel* or Eligible Novella** shall be eligible for membership in PAN, provided however that works offered through Predatory Publishing companies shall not qualify.

Apply for PAN

*Eligible Novel: a work of Romance Fiction of more than 40,000 words (as determined by computer word count) that is or has been commercially available.

**Eligible Novella: a work of Romance Fiction of 20,000-40,000 words (as determined by computer word count) that is or has been commercially available.

Romance Fiction or Romance means the work contains a central love story and the resolution of the romance is emotionally satisfying and optimistic. RWA staff reserves the right to challenge or contest where a book is Romance Fiction. In the event the classification of a novel as Romance Fiction is challenged or contested, it will be subject to a peer review panel. For purposes other than the RITA contest, a five-member peer review panel will be randomly chosen by the staff among members of PRO and PAN. The peer review panel will read the novel and make the final decision via majority vote as to whether it qualifies as Romance Fiction.